I LOVE stationery. Don't believe me, just ask my husband. He'll vouch for the many (many!) boxes I have of pretty paper. From cute personalized stationary, to boxed cards, to rolls and rolls of stamped craft paper, I have enough paper to last me a good long while. If there's one thing, however, that I love more than stationary, it's snail mail.
I was praying for a friend recently who was going through a hard time. I was asking the Lord to greatly bless them, when I realized that I (yes, lil ol' me!) could BE that blessing! Or at least a part of it. That's when I decided to challenge myself to write more snail mail in 2015. More specifically, 52 letters in 52 weeks.
While we're bombarded daily, or even hourly, by a plethora of emails and instant text messages, there's something special about receiving a handwritten letter via one's physical mailbox that a 120 character limit simply cannot covey. And who doesn't love stumbling upon a written note in the midst of bills, bills and more bills? I certainly don't!
So, I hope that this 2015 new year will be one full of many snail mail blessings! If you're interested in joining me with this challenge (or a similar one - you could always do a letter a month or a letter a DAY, if you're so inclined!) message me at humblywritten@gmail.com.
Happy writing,
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